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April 2, 2024 - Wisconsin ....Vote NO!

April 2nd will present two ballot questions that would change Wisconsin's Constitution if passed.

Here's why democratic minded individuals are voting "NO" to these two ballot questions.



"Use of private funds in election administration. Shall section 7 (1) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that private donations and grants may not be applied for, accepted, expended, or used in connection with the conduct of any primary, election, or referendum?"


  1. Elections need to be fully funded. This amendment reduces the options for municipal governments looking for outside sources of funding for elections without providing alternative resources. This change will shift the burden even further onto tax payers.

  2. This change will have a negative impact on the voter experience and could lead to long lines and wait times at polling places, consolidated polling places, longer waits for election night results, and more due to lack of funding.

  3. This change does not belong in our constitution. If the legislature wants to make this change, they should work with the governor to do so in a way that ensures our elections are fully funded.

  4. Vote No on question 1 to ensure our clerks have the support and money they need to keep our elections running smoothly and securely.


"Election officials. Shall section 7 (2) of article III of the constitution be created to provide that only election officials designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums?"


  1. Elections are a lot of work. Clerks rely on a whole host of outside experts, volunteers, and community members to make sure our elections are run smoothly and the results are accurate. 

  2. Voter education organizations, like League of Women Voters, play a critical role in informing the public about their right to vote. This proposed change to our constitution ties the hands of our election officials from getting the outside support they need for our elections to function. 

  3. This change does not belong in our constitution. If the legislature wants to make this change, they should work with the governor to do so in a way that ensures our clerks are able to get the support they need to run our elections.

  4. Vote No to question 2 to ensure our clerks have the support they need to run our elections and voters have the support they need to make informed decisions for our state.

Why democratic minded individuals are voting... "NO!"

see more at

Elections are underfunded

Local municipalities run Wisconsin's local, state, and federal elections on shoestring budgets. Grants banned by this proposal have provided a lifeline to help clerks pay for equipment, polling place rental, poll workers, and supplies to protect your right to vote and make elections run smoothly and securely. 

Vague language creates uncertainty 

The language in these amendments needs to be clarified. As written, it could prevent election officials from using polling places in non-public buildings or even using tables, chairs, electrical outlets, or any other equipment or facilities present at polling places that are privately owned, such as churches, private school buildings, community centers, or other privately owned locations. 

THE SOLUTION: Public Financing of Elections and Publicly funding elections, NOT amending the Constitution.

Our democracy depends on local election officials having the staff and resources to do their jobs. The same politicians who put these questions on the ballot stripped millions in funding from the state budget to support election administration.

Vote to preserve our constitution.

Vote to protect our right to vote.

Vote No.



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